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contoh kalimat album foto

"album foto" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Wearing her robe, rearranging my baby photo album.
    Mengenakan jubahnya, menata ulang album foto saya bayi.
  • I was just a model for their photo album
    Aku hanya model untuk album foto mereka
  • You should check out the family photo album sometime.
    Kapan-kapan, kau harus memeriksa album foto keluarga.
  • Well, it's a genetics lab. That's from my family's photo archives.
    Itu dari album foto keluargaku.
  • I've just been looking Through your photo album.
    Aku baru saja melihat album foto mu.
  • You know you have three full baby albums?
    Kau tahu kau punya tiga album foto?
  • You get the scrapbook in the mail.
    Kau dapat album foto itu dari kotak surat.
  • I'm going to make a photo album with this.
    Aku ingin membuat sebuah album foto.
  • My photo albums, family pictures, all gone.
    My album foto, foto keluarga, semua pergi.
  • Excuse me. Would you like to see our wedding photos?
    Maaf, bolehkah aku memperlihatkan album foto pernikahan kami.
  • Did you do this just to get this photo album?
    Kau melakukannya hanya untuk mengambil album foto ini?
  • No one needs to know about that third scrapbook.
    Tak ada yang perlu mengetahui album foto ketiga itu.
  • They said to take a lot a pictures for your photobook.
    Katanya mereka hendak membuatkanmu album foto juga.
  • After I've done the photobook, somehow... I'm already satisfied.
    Karena aku telah mendapat album foto rasanya sudah puas.
  • He'll be sitting in the Palace Barracks going through those photo albums.
    Mungkin sekarang di barak, melihat album foto.
  • Russian FSB keeps a photo album of all their friends.
    FSB Rusia menyimpan album foto dari semua teman-teman mereka.
  • It's like a fake family photo album.
    Itu seperti album foto keluarga palsu.
  • They were up in that closet with all Dad's family photos.
    Ada diatas lemari di tempat album foto ayah.
  • I only found out after she sent me that scrapbook.
    Aku baru tahu setelah dia mengirimkan album foto itu.
  • Listen, ask Maria to take out all your old photo albums.
    Dengar, minta Maria untuk mengambil semua album foto lamamu
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